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Vinyl Shutters Vs Wood Shutters

Posted by: Window Shutters
Category: Window Shutters

The shutter professionals at San Francisco Shutters get asked this question every day: “are wood shutters better than vinyl shutters?” Customers generally know that vinyl shutters are cheaper, but they want to know why that is and what they’re really getting no matter what direction they go. Let’s take a look at vinyl and wood shutters in Cupertino, CA so you can make an informed decision as to what would be best in your home.

Good Quality Wood Shutters

If you are thinking about getting wood shutters, you will want to make sure they are good quality wood shutters. Good quality wood shutters are made out of 100% basswood and are not composite, particleboard, or any other manufactured type of wood. You have to be careful when you look in order to ensure that you get the best. You will also want to ensure that the wood is 100% sealed so it will stand the test of time in your home.

Wood is not only beautiful and long lasting, but it can also be changed as the years go by. If you decide to re-do your kitchen, you don’t have to throw out the wood shutters and start over. You can change them to accommodate the new style you are incorporating. They are truly permanent in your home so you won’t have to worry about new window coverings ever again.

Vinyl Shutters of Any Quality

Some companies will try to push vinyl shutters onto you because they are cheaper than wood. If customers don’t care about quality and only want to hear about price, maybe that would be okay. But price is only one portion of such a project. If you have to replace shutters again later, that will up the price. Vinyl shutters are made from PVC, which is basically plastic. Some are better quality than others, but any of them can yellow and crack over the years. Once they are ordered and installed in a certain color, they cannot be changed. You can replace them if you want a different color, but that’s as far as you can go.

If you want quality, you’ll work with San Francisco Shutters for all of your wood shutters projects. We have been serving the Bay area with shutters of all different kinds for the past 40 years. Give us a call today at 855-992-6739 and ask about wood shutters and why they are better than vinyl options. It’s okay that we hear the question all the time—we’re happy to answer! You can also stop by our showroom at 1676 Gilbreth Road, Burlingame, CA 94010 and take a look at wood shutters in person. We’re open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturday from 10am-2pm. We have shutter experts on hand during our business hours to give you a free consultation about wood shutters Cupertino, CA for your home. Wood shutters can be the finishing touch your home’s windows deserve and we can make it happen!